SFU's Fan Fic Archive

Street Fighter: The Start

A Street Fighter FanFiction

Chapter 7: Ken Vs. Joe

A trainyard, eastern United States...

�Ken verses Joe,� the announcer said. �Fight!�

Joe was big. Really big. He easily dwarfed Ryu and Ken, both in muscles and in hieghth by about half a foot. He didn�t wear a shirt, but had a pair of red jeans and boots on. His blond hair was spiked up and was about an inch high, and he was finishing a cigarrette, laying back against one of the train cars.

�So,� Joe said, smoke coming out on the word. �You�re the kid who thinks he�s got the stuff to beat me. Well, I think it�s time I set ya straight.�

Joe flicked the cigarrette butt to the right, then got into a fighting position. Ken studied him. From the looks of it he knew no martial arts techniques and was merely a street fighter. But something was telling Ken that this wasn�t going to be that easy. Joe suddenly charged with blinding speed and swung his fists at Ken madly. But Ken easily countered, ducking and uppercutting Joe in the face. Joe stumbled, but didn�t fall. He quickly attacked Ken with a punch to Ken�s face. Ken was sent spinning to the ground, but quickly raised back up to his feet. Only to be hit with three or four more blows to the face before falling down again.

�Ken!� Ryu exclaimed from the crowd. Ken slowly raised to his feet, telling Ryu he was okay, but the fact of the matter was that he wasn�t. He was battered badly. Another pounding like that and Ken was definetly down for the count. But Ken didn�t intend to let that happen.

�Nice job, buddy,� Ken said, assuming the Shotokan fighting position. �Almost knocked me down for the count. But you know what they say:Almost only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades!�

Ken jumped into the air and kicked at Joe, who easily blocked, then countered with a fist swinging directly at Ken�s jaw. But Ken was actually hoping for Joe to do that, and grabbed the huge then arm flipped the man over to the other side. Joe started to get up to his feet, but was pummeled by Ken�s lightning fast fists. Ken finished his attack with a powerful kick to Joe�s face. Joe fell to the ground, bleeding profusly, almost matching Ken�s condition.

�You little son of a bitch!� Joe said. �Nobody makes a fool outta me, especially a little kid like you!�

Ken smiled, then attacked Joe violently, swinging his feet and fists at the man with remarkable speed and strength. But only a few hits connected, and Joe quickly reached his fists out and clutched Ken around the neck and squeezed tightly. Ken�s air supply quickly diminished. Ken looked around for an opening to hit Joe and force him to lose his grip, but Joe was smart. Before Ken could attack, he rammed the boy through a wall, then slammed him into the ground. Ken�s vision started to get fuzzy, and he realized that he was losing consciousness.

�No!� Ken thought, pushing back the wooziness. �This guy isn�t gonna beat me!�

Ken put his feet up against Joe�s chest and pushed upward. Joe held onto Ken�s neck with all his might, but Ken�s legs were stronger than Joe�s arms and the american vagabond was thrown into the air. Ken pulled himself up, using the side of the bricks as hand holds. But as soon as he got up he was met by Joe, who had landed from the throw.

�Nice job kid,� Joe said. �That bought maybe five more seconds of life. Power Kick!�

Joe jumped into the air and swung his foot around, cracking Ken in the back of the skull. As Ken fell he realized that although Joe was nothing more than a bum he knew how to tap into his chi just like all of his other opponents. Ken opened his eyes and was met by a red liquid filling them. He wiped the blood away from his face, trying to see Joe. He suddenly felt himself being lifted up roughly by the shirt.

�Game over, kid,� Joe said. �I win.�

�Hagk, in your...dreams, pal!� Ken coughed. Then, with uncanny strength (at least in Ken�s condition) Ken grabbed Joe by the head then rammed the street fighter�s face into his knee again and again. After four or five hits Joe squirmed out of Ken�s grip. But Ken wasn�t done yet.

�Lightning Heel Kick!� he cried, hitting Joe with his heel twice before the street fighter fell to the ground, beaten.

�Ken wins!� the announcer declared. Ryu walked over to Ken and helped him up.

�Nice job, Ken,� Ryu said. �I just hope you�ve got enough money to pay for the hospital bill!�

* * *

�Okay, here�s these,� the nurse said, handing Ken a bottle of pills. �These should help with the pain. And these are...�

The nurse looked at Ken, who was starring at her with a smile across his face.

�Are you even listening to me?� she asked.

�Hanging on every word,� Ken said, flashing his rich brown eyes at her. The nurse smiled sheepishly, and started to walk out the door as Ryu entered. Ryu said hi to her, then entered.

�Even in the hospital women aren�t safe from you, eh Ken?� Ryu said with a smile.

�Yup,� Ken said, stretching. �They just can�t withstand the old Masters charm. So who�s next?�

�We�ve got to head out to Mt. Rushmore,� Ryu said. �My opponent�s a professional boxer.�

�You better hope he�s easier than Joe,� Ken said.

�Yeah,� Ryu said, his voice trailing off. �I better get going.�

�I�ll catch the first plane there,� Ken said. Ryu left the room and exited the hospital.

�This is getting too complicated,� Ryu thought. �Ken and I have both suffered major injuries, and we�ve only fought a little over half of our opponents. Maybe we should back out. While we�re still breathing.�

Date of Completion: Friday, August 8th 1997
Updated: Friday, August 8th 1997
Written by: ORION (Mark Robertson)

Street Fighter, its Characters, and Original Elements (c) 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Capcom Co.
Fan-Fiction and Original Elements (c) 1997 ORION

Chapter 6: Ryu Vs. Eagle
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Chapter 8: Ryu Vs. Mike

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