SFU's Fan Fic Archive

Street Fighter: The Start

A Street Fighter FanFiction

Chapter 5: Ken Vs. Birdie

�Man, Ryu, that was great!� Ken said. �How you waited until the very last second and then countered with the Whirlwind Kick! Man, that was beautiful!�

�Actually Ken, I was too dizzy to move until the last second,� Ryu said with a smile.

�Ha!� Ken laughed as he and Ryu sat down in their seats on the plane. �Well, you sure had the crowd going.�

Ryu smiled, then turned his attention to the window as Ken pulled out a Game Boy.

�So where is it now?� Ryu asked.

�Ummm...urgh! Damn Tetris...England,� Ken said, struggling with the game inserted in the machine.

�Hey, exactly what is that?� Ryu asked.

�Huh? Oh, it�s a Game Boy,� Ken said. �Here, give it a try. Push the a button to rotate the block, and the control pad for left and right. You gotta make lines across and not go touch the top.�

�Hmm...� Ryu said, beginning to play the game.

* * *

London, England...

�Hey, Ryu,� Ken said. �We�re about to land, put that back in my bag.�

�I�ve almost got the points gauge to flip over for the second time, Ken!� Ryu said.

�Man, you�ve been playing that since I gave it to you,� Ken said, snatching the Game Boy from Ryu and turning it off. �The only time you stopped was for batteries.�

Ryu looked at Ken like he had just cut off his air supply. Ryu wimpered a little, then finally got out of the trance and grabbed his bag. The plane landed, and Ryu and Ken got out, walking on to there destination. The soon came to the street where they would meet Ken�s next opponent. Almost as if on cue, a crowd gathered, and soon, so did the challenger.

�Oh my God,� Ryu breathed, looking at Ken�s huge opponent.

�So, who�s my opponent?� Ken asked, entering from a restroom he had changed in. Ryu pointed towards the huge man, and Ken gasped.

The man was huge. He had to be at least seven feet tall. He was dressed like an english punk, and had brown side burns with dyed-blond hair. The Englishman cracked his knuckles, and sneered at Ken.

�Ulp!� Ken said.

�Birdie verses Ken!� the announcer shouted. �Fight!�

�I�m gonna mop the floor with you, american boy,� Birdie said, circling around Ken. Ken quickly overcame his fear and intimidation, and grinned.

�We�ll see about that, old chum,� Ken said, mocking Birdie. Birdie growled, and charged at Ken, swinging his fists wildly. But he was slow, and Ken decided to let loose with a mighty kick to Birdie�s jaw. The normal man would have fallen to the ground, bleeding horribly. Birdie, on the other hand, was barely even phazed.

�Har, har, betcha ya thought you could knock me off my block, din�tcha?� Birdie chortled. �Now it�s my turn!�

Before Ken could block or move, Birdie clutched the young american by the shirt and slammed his face into the ground. Ken quickly kicked Birdie in the arm, forcing the english man to lose his grip, and then flipped back up to his feet.

�Not bad,� Ken said, wiping a little blood from his nose. �But I can do better.�

�Well�n let�s see it, pretty boy!� Birdie said. Ken smirked, then attacked, whipping his feet and fists at Birdie, hitting the englishman with all he had.

�Fall, damn you!� Ken cursed, smacking at Birdie relentlessly. Birdie wasn�t blocking many of the blows, but then again, they weren�t really hurting his huge body. Finally, Birdie found an opening and grabbed Ken by the neck, strangling him.

�Fine!� Ken said, gasping for a breath. �You wanna play...dirty? I can play...too!�

Ken�s foot shot upward until it collided with Birdie�s crotch. Hard. Really hard.

�Bloody hell!� Birdie squeaked, letting Ken go. As soon as he could breath, Ken went on the attack, elbowing Birdie in the gut, jabbing him below the jaw, and finally an axe kick to the arm pit. Birdie fell to the ground, gasping for breath and in extreme pain. Ken cracked his knuckles, then kicked Birdie in the ribs.

�Get up, loser!� Ken said. �Don�t tell me that�s all you got.�

As round two began, Birdie got up to his feet, sweating heavily.

�You wanna see what I got? Birdie asked. �Fine. I�ll show ya!�

With speed Ken didn�t think possible Birdie charged at him, ramming his head into Ken�s. Everything went black as Ken fell to the ground. A few seconds later he came to a little bit, and could see (and feel) Birdie kicking his fallen body around.

�Ya don�t screw with me, kiddy,� Birdie said, kicking Ken around some more. ��Cause all ya get is a world o� hurt.�

�I�ll...show you...a world of hurt!� Ken said, suddenly grabbing Birdie by the sleevless leather jacket. �Let�s go for a spin, Birdie. A Hell Spin!�

Ken jammed his foot into Birdie�s stomach and flipped him around once. Twice. Thrice. And once more before letting the huge english punk go and sending him flying into and through a brick wall.

�Ken wins!� the announcer shouted. And not a moment too soon, for Ken soon lost consciousness.

* * *

�A few scrapes and bruises,� the doctor said with a thick english accent as he looked over Ken. �Nothing permenant. You should be okay in a day or so.�

�Good,� Ken said, putting his shirt back on. �Be seeing you, doc.�

Ken left the room, and then met Ryu in the lobby.

�Nothing serious,� Ken said. �He said I�ll be able to fight in my next match.�

�Ken, you didn�t actually tell him you were fighting, did you?�

�Nope,� Ken said. �We better get going if we�re going to make it to your match,� Ken said. �I wonder if your opponent�s as bad as Birdie.�

Date of Completion: Friday, August 8th 1997
Updated: Friday, August 8th 1997
Written by: ORION (Mark Robertson)

Street Fighter, its Characters, and Original Elements (c) 1987, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1997 Capcom Co.
Fan-Fiction and Original Elements (c) 1997 ORION

Chapter 4: Ryu Vs. Gen
Table of Contents
Chapter 6: Ryu Vs. Eagle

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